Why choose regular dog food when there’s superfood dog food! Our delicious, chewy textured, oven cooked puppy bites are made with 84% chicken with venison and enriched with added superfood ingredients. An irresistible, wholesome snack or reward for good pups. Grain-free. No grain. Pack size 70g
Superfood Bites for puppies use high quality ingredients, including chicken and venison, with superfoods including spinach and butternut squash, to provide your pup with an irresistible, wholesome snack or tasty treat to reward good behaviour.
Gently oven cooked to lock in all the goodness and flavour with a tasty, chewy texture and no grain, this isn’t just dog food, it’s superfood dog food!
Due to the natural ingredients and processes involved, treats vary in size, shape and colour.COMPOSITION
Chicken | 80% |
Venison | 4% |
Spinach | 1% |
Butternut Squash | 1% |
Glycerine, Potato Starch, Sunflower Oil